YBAA Corporate Application

YBAA Corporate Application
All applications are reviewed by YBAA's Membership Committee, which reserves the right to accept or reject any application for any reason.
CORPORATE MEMBER: Any sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation legitimately established and engaged in the full time practice of selling yachts on a co-brokerage basis who meets, or agrees to comply with, the following:
1. Company or principal of company has been in the full time business of yacht brokerage for less than one year prior to application,
2. Principal and all of the firm’s authorized Corporate Member brokers (1) have never been denied, nor had revoked, any professional yacht broker license(s) and (2) currently hold all necessary license(s) required by all applicable governmental entities, and (3) have not been convicted of a felony within the past seven years.
3. Ensure that all business conducted by the company and its brokers (including employees, independent contractors, etc.) complies in full with the Association’s Code of Ethics,
4. Pay, in a timely manner, all appropriate annual dues, based on the total number of brokers in the firm, and,
5. Provide as reference, a minimum of four active yacht brokerage firms with whom you have participated in brokerage sales.
All eligible applicants are accepted on a 12-month provisional and conditional basis and may have their membership privileges revoked if it is deemed by the Board of Directors that the company does not meet the eligibility requirements.
To be accepted, all submissions must include all the information below:
Company Name:
Location Address:
City: State/Prov: Zip:
Key Contact Name:
Key Contact Title:
Key Contact Email:
Company Phone:
Company Fax:
Web Address:
Company Email:
Year company founded:
Fed. ID #
My company is a:
Number of years that company and/or owner/principle has been engaged in the full-time business of yacht brokerage:
Company owner(s) name(s), title(s), and percentage of ownership
Please indicate percentage of total company boat sales:
Percentage of Brokerage Sales:
Percentage of Sail:
Percentage of Power:

How did you hear about YBAA?
Why has your company decided to join YBAA?
Which programs and service interest you?
Would you be willing to serve as a committee volunteer?

For reference purposes, provide the names of your sponsor for membership who will provide support and guidance for your activities during the 12-month provisional membership period.

Please indicate the TOTAL number of brokers working for your company:
Authorized Corporate Members List below the names and email addresses (and addresses and phones if different from the Corporate Listing) of the brokers associated with your company who you designate to receive all benefits of YBAA membership, including voting privileges, as long as the Corporate Membership is in effect. Each broker must provide their signature and email address, in the space provided, indicating that they will attest and subscribe to the YBAA Code of Ethics.
So that we may serve you better, please provide the following employee contact information.
1. Employee Name:
1. Title:
1. Email:
2. Employee Name:
2. Title:
2. Email:
3. Employee Name:
3. Title:
3. Email:
4. Employee Name:
4. Title:
4. Email:
5. Employee Name:
5. Title:
5. Email:

Branch Locations:Branch locations may be added to your YBAA account for feature on our website member directory. Each branch location listed is an additional $60/year.
Branch Name:
Branch Name:

The dues year runs from Jan - December 31. Please note the 2025 YBAA Dues have an updated structure. If you have any questions, please email info@ybaa.org.

Ybaa Dues 2025

Please enter your dues level (dollar amount) based on the chart above:
Dues Level:
Initiation Fee:
Please total up your number of branch locations:
x 60 =

I have read the listed membership requirements and the YBAA Code of Ethics and I certify that my company meets the criteria necessary for membership, and that the company and its brokers will comply with all terms and conditions of membership in the Yacht Brokers Association of America.
I hereby attest that the information provided herein is accurate and truthful to the best of my knowledge.
   - denotes required fields